
We are a small team of recruiters and writers with a long and diverse history helping people find and fill jobs, get training and improve their overall chances for success.
Some may even call us heroes. (Not us though! We’re too humble for that.)
- We’ve worked with agencies. employers and job candidates.
- We’ve helped train and employ workers during Western Canada’s oil boom.
- We created a national job board to help employers and job seekers fill and find skilled and general labour opportunities.
- We built up a Facebook page for job seekers with over 6 000 organic followers.
- We’ve created a digital platform to help essential workers find jobs quickly and reliably.
- We’ve written briefings and job advertisements to help executive search firms attract top talent.
Through it all, a constant in our work has always been resumes. Reviewing them, writing them, ripping them apart and rewriting them. All of our combined experience, along with our professional network, puts us in a good position to help others.
And that’s what we do.
We help people create resumes that SELL themselves!
Unlike what many other resume writing websites and services proclaim, some legitimately, we are not “award-winning” resume writers. In fact, we don’t even know where these so-called resume-writing awards take place.
What we are is very good writers AND copywriters.
All the automated delivery methods and fancy templates aside, your resume is written content. But it’s a unique type of content that has to be crafted. It’s not fluid. You have to be able to take the best parts of your professional life and connect them to the types of roles you’re interested in… and qualified for.
We help new graduates, recent graduates, young professionals, old professionals, general labourers, skilled labourers, supervisors, managers and everyone in between.
Learn more about How It Works and Our Services.